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  • How to take out a broken screw? Six tips for taking out a broken screw 1. First, remove the sludge on the surface of the broken screw and head, use the center punch to kill the center punch of the cross section, then use the electric drill to install the drill with a diameter of 6-8mm, drill… 2019-03-05 13:10:53
  • How to deal with screw aging and corrosion In the process of transportation, screws and zinc coating often appear white, black, black and other phenomena, mainly caused by zinc coating, corrosive medium and exposure of moisture, oxygen and carbon dioxide in the at… 2019-03-05 13:10:25
  • Stainless steel knowledge summary, look at this one is enough! 1. Definition of stainless steelStainless steel is a kind of high alloy steel that can resist corrosion. It has a beautiful surface and does not need to go through surface treatment such as plating color or paint. Therefo… 2019-03-05 13:09:55
  • Great action makes great progress in hardware Introduction: the rapid development of hardware industry has not only made great achievements in the world's hardware industry, but also "forged" the huge gap between domestic enterprises with long-term polarize… 2019-03-05 13:09:12
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